Monday, December 29, 2008
Don't you just love watching them figure out something all on their own. This may not be the way I would have slid down the slide, but if you could have seen how excited she was to figure it out alone, you would be laughing out loud. She is just getting so old all of the sudden. I remember thinking that she would never, ever sleep through the night and then at 14 months she finally did. I also thought that she wouldn't ever get the walking thing and then at 16 months she started and she hasn't ever stopped! I know that we can't stop time but sometimes I find myself honestly hoping it would just slow down a little. This is the first time that I am not wanting the next step...we are fine right here! Maybe it's because our family is complete or that potty-training is next, but whatever the reason I am so grateful for today!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Real Christmas
A little love from their only granddaughter
Mark and his mom. We are so thankful for them.
Grandma always knows just what to get Ryan. This year it was a Jacksonville Jaguar uniform...remember what I've said about him being a non-conformist! We have no idea why this is suddenly his favorite team, maybe it's the pretty turquoise jersey?
Then it was off to the Purdy's for dinner and the Christmas Eve service at our church. But not before a little Elefun:)
Our family
Ally and Katie Mae, such sweet friends. They were much more interested in the candles than looking at the camera. I just love the Christmas Eve service at FBC Woodway. The kids all go in their PJ's and we sing Christmas carols with the whole family and remember that this night is all about Jesus' birth.
And Then...Christmas morning. This year we got to have Santa come to our house instead of Honey and GP's, and the kids were super excited! 7:30am (actually a lot later than I thought it would be)
Ally loving her Rice Krispie Treat
Ryan and his new bike
Honey, GP, Aunt Shirley and Nana came by to see what Santa brought and have breakfast.
Santa knew that the Wood children LOVE ring pops!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Fake Christmas
Here we are, in all our Purdy, Anderson glory! I am loving the PJ's this year mom- Vera Wang for the girls- only the best. (gotta love Kohl's)
We have had such a great December: Lila's birth, Daily stockings- (so far he has only missed 3 days, not bad, huh?), Christmas programs, Womens' Tea, Christmas Parties, Supper Club, A Cookie Exchange, Ally's 2nd birthday, and Fake Christmas. It has been such a fun year to watch my children really "get it". Ryan is fascinated with the Christmas story and how Baby Jesus was born in a stable. And Ally says, merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to everyone she sees.
So from the Wood family to yours We wish you all a VERY, MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Ally and Honey are waiting and watching all the other children sitting on Santa's lap.
My sweet niece Lila even made the outing...I mean check out that preciousness.
Get your dance on

And the "official" picture. Oh... if a picture is worth a thousand words then I really don't need to say anything else but enjoy.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Pink Poodle Soiree
Check out Ally's precious dress from Etsy. I found this dress and then decided on the theme. Any excuse to have a new outfit for my baby girl!
Here are all the decorations. Mark had a great idea to turn our garage into extra room for the party, and that seemed to work out well for eating dinner and the snowflake craft. Nice to have such a smart hubby. I had an absolute blast decorating for this party.

She was guarding those with her little life. Such a fun time. You know I love a good party -:) Still hard for me to believe that she's really 2.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Ally
Oh sweet baby girl, it is so hard for me to believe that you are 2 years old today! I still think of you as my BABY! You are such a joy for your dad and I and we are so thankful each for you each day. Our perfect little miracle. Ally, Since that day you were born I really feel like a parent. Your big brother made Daddy and I parents but something about having a second child really upped our game! You have always kept us on our toes. From the day you were born (3 weeks early) our lives really changed. On your birthday I hosted a baby shower at our house and really over did it, and I guess that you didn't want to miss out on any more fun. My water broke at midnight and you arrived the next day at 12:19 PM. You weighed 7.1 and were 19 inches long and simply perfect! Everything about you was very girly, from your small hands and feet to the way you walk on your tip-toes, you have always been a little princess. Thank you for making me laugh every day and for your independence and social nature. You are always smiling and having fun and keeping life at our house very lighthearted and enjoyable:). Happy Birthday angel!
One. Happy. Girl.
You love the water and to go "simming".