Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Poor Baby

My sweet little Ally had been sick since Saturday night, and this is what she has been doing a lot of lately. Sleeping. She is just so precious, and all she wants to do is be held. Which is actually a really nice thing. This morning we took her to see Dr. Nesmith, the best Doctor ever (except of course you Josh:) and it seems that she just has a fever virus, and she'll be a lot better tomorrow night. Ryan came home today with fever and Mark has also been really sick, so this week has been super fun!!! When illness strikes our home I realize a lot about myself. Most of which is embarrassing and not good. One, that I am awful to deal with when stress is involved but when there is anything wrong when my children, I lose it completely. (So sorry Mark, love you:)!!! Two, that I cannot even imagine what my dear friend Leigh went through with cancer in her precious son Paul. Three, that complaining about this is EXTREMELY silly:) I know that my children will get over this, and that they will be fine in a couple of days. I know this and yet I really struggle...why is that?? Perhaps because I am so not in control?!? Anyway, tonight I am choosing to believe God with my children and with this election. Tomorrow's a new day! Hopefully a healthier one.


Brett and Katherine said...

Oh, poor thing. I hope everyone starts feeling better soon. It is no fun when kids are sick. And, I haven't forgotten you tagged me! :)

Shannon said...

That picture makes me so sad! She does look so sweet, though. Give her big kisses and let her know we all hope she (and everyone else in your family!) gets well quick!

MLP said...

Angie...I am the SAME way when my babies are sick. And I ALWAYS think of Leigh and what all she endured (and continues to endure for that matter). I'm praying for each of you and hoping you are all 100% SOON! And hoping YOU don't get it either. Such a sweet picture of your beautiful little angel.

Blessings from the Reeds said...

Oh, I hope by the time you are reading this she is feeling so much better! Your post hit home to me. There isn't a day that I don't think of the beautiful Saxon family too. Get well at your house.