Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Way to go!

The Wood family is very proud of the little Baylor Bears. Well, to be honest I fell asleep at 8:24 after taking Tylonel cold night, and proceeded to sleep until 8:15 this morning when Ryan ran in and said, "hey mom the Bears won, Yea!" But nevertheless still proud! And I must say that I am feeling much, much better today. Amazing what a good 12 hours of sleep will do.
On a seperate note I was doing my Bible Study today and this paragraph really hit home. We are doing Beth Moore's Esther week 8.
"Some of us with little previous battle experience have no idea why God is allowing us to go through such difficult times in a place we thought was His will. He's trying to make warriors out of us, girlfriend! Rise to the occasion! But we aren't meant to fight unseen forces alone. You and I have the God-given right to lock arms with our sisters and brothers in Christ and defend ourselves with the sword of the Spirit and the shield of faith. Here's the best part: When we do, we are guaranteed the victory. I said guaranteed."

If you fully obey the Lord your God...the Lord will grant that the ememies who rise up aganist you will be deafeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.

Awesome to think about. Thank you Beth for those encouraging words. Amen and Amen:-).


MLP said...

Thank YOU for sharing Beth's awesome Word!!!

Go Bears! Ally is so cute in her BU shirt!!!

I hope you are feeling much better. It's NO fun when mommy is sick...for anyone!

The Junods said...

Seriously!! Go Beth, Go God, Go BEARS! Love seeing your babies in Green and Gold!