On mother's day weekend we headed up to Arlington to take the kids on a little surprise Six Flags trip. They were EXTREMELY excited, even thought Ally has never been there and the only thing Ryan remembers is winning a Spurs basketball when he was 4, they were excited. The weather was BE-A-U-TIFUL. The high for the day was 76...aahhh so nice!
We made it-YEA

Sorry about the closed eyes fellows :).

Ally was unsure about the rides at first so we started her out very slow on the kiddie swings. It totally worked because she loved it and wanted to ride more and more rides after this slow entry to all things crazy and six flagish.

Up up and away!

I must brag on my brave 6 year-old for a second. Right when we pulled up to the Park he spotted Judge Roy Scream (scary roller coaster) and decided he wanted to ride it. I really didn't he'd be tall enough so I just said if you're tall enough we'll ride it-OK.

ummmm...I was WAY off...seriously he's grown so much this year! So here we are ready to go on the Scream!

After it was over Ryan said, "I did not like it because I thought my skin was going to come off!" Mark and I rolled all day at the statement!! At least he did it once, and it was COMPLETELY his idea! Since Mark was so proud of him he said he could play the basketball game.

And wouldn't you know it- this 'Baller won another basketball. Basically the rest of the day Ryan dribbled everywhere he went...and I mean everywhere!!!!!

Little princess opted for a pink balloon-still so easy to please.

Ryan teaching Ally about static electricity...look at her face

Cool batmobile

Ryan loves all the games
Baby girl's first roller coaster-the Mini Mine Train

She was very proud of herself for "riding a 'coaster like her brother Ryan"

And not to be outdone by his son, Mark entered the 3-point contest. My man's still got it!

My boys and their basketballs. We had a great day!!!!

Until next year.