Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Letter to Ally

My dear sweet Ally girl, 
We are SO excited to have been witnesses to the day you became a Christian.  My prayer is that you will always remember the day you asked Christ into your heart and that you will cling to this verse throughout your life and never ever question your salvation.  
"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:39
June 15, 2012

Ally this is your story:
We were sitting on the couch at 9:00 pm after a very long week of Vacation Bible School.  You were wearing your silky hot pink polka dot PJs and We were talking about some kids in Ryan's class (2nd graders) who became Christians at VBS. Out of nowhere you said that you wanted to ask Jesus in your heart.  It came as a little bit of a shock since you were just 5 and 1/2 but you were determined and cute and giggly and very sincere.  You asked what it meant to be a Christian and then you repeated that you wanted to ask Jesus in your heart.  You knew that God loves you, and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and then rose again so that we can live forever with our heavenly father.  You asked many questions about how God and Jesus are two people but the same people and then you said Jesus had two Daddys. :) You told us that Jesus loves everyone even those who don't love him like King Nebacanezzur.  After we answered all of your questions you repeated a very simple prayer after mommy.  You loved hearing how  "All of heaven rejoiced" at your decision and wanted to know if that scripture was in Psalms or Matthew?:)  (I had to look it up! it's Luke 15:10) you loved hearing how God knows the number of hairs in your head too. And then you guessed probably 20,000.  You immediately ran to tell Big Brother Ryan that you are now a Christian too. His response was "cool":).  We called and texted our family and they all rejoiced right along with us.  
"There IS no greater joy than to know that your children are walking in the truth."


angie said...


Shannon said...

PRAISE THE LORD! What an incredible moment! So proud of Ally!