Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Mark!

Yall Mark is getting OLD-Happy 37th????!!!!! Seriously how is that right? Mark's bday is April 30th, and it's something we all look forward to each year. Last year he got to play golf in Maui, and then have dinner at the we knew this year would be sort of a let down. I tried my hardest to come up with a fun plan but his idea of fun was just to stay home a celebrate with his family-so that's exactly what we did. And you know what it was SO FUN! We have had a really hectic spring this year and this is just what we all needed.

The kids worked so hard on their cards for dad and they could not wait for him to open his presents. Ryan was giving him "hints"all week about his presents.

And this little one was so excited she may or may not have told daddy that we are going to the ranger game for his 'bertday' on May 8th. So note to self, my children CANNOT keep a secret from their daddy!

This shot basically captures every night when Mark gets home from work. They attack both him, and he loves it!

Happy Birthday Babe! WE LOVE YOU.

1 comment:

MLP said...

So fun! Glad Mark had a great birthday. The kids look SO HAPPY to be lovin' on daddy!!!

FUN...........Ranger Game!!!